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DataEXPERT radiation monitoring software

Dataexpert is a supervision software intended for a local or remote radiation monitoring of our environmental product range, or meteorological sensors. DataEXPERT is a user-friendly software suite (compatible with Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 and other older versions), including efficient tools that allow the user to :

    import and display data from dvd files (older data of dvd files can also be imported)
    select data from different tools or measurement series in the database and display it in windows
    use very useful alarm, zoom, display, mathematics and report functions
    easily export data to Excel or SQL databases
    use a display module like GEOMAP or Google Earth
    Contact us for more details   
    Head Office: 30 Stamatiou Psaltou STR, 54644 THESSALONIKI, GREECE, Tel:+30 2310855816, Fax: +30 2310886206
    Branch: 131 Momferatou STR, 11475 ATHENS, GREECE, Tel.: (+30) 210-6452848, Fax: (+30) 210-6452413, www.megalab.gr, contact@megalab.gr

    Created Alpha