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FASTFLIGHT-2 Digital Signal Averager

Time of Flight Photo


  • 250 ps interleaved and 500 ps real-time sampling intervals helps resolve the narrowest peaks
  • Sustained TOF-MS rates up to 100 averaged spectra/s (with negligible dead time) in the Chromatograph/TOF-MS mode for super-fast chromatographs
  • Simple cable connection to the USB-2 port on your PC no need to find scarce space inside your computer
  • Automatic data compression by factors up to 400:1 greatly reduces the chromatograph/TOF-MS file size
  • Automatic correlated noise suppression to <0.004% of full scale resolves a 25,000:1 concentration range
  • Rapid Protocol Port for changing acquisition modes with 10µs for multiplexed, multimode chromatographs

With its ability to process up to 100 averaged spectra per second, while responding proportionally to multiple ions in each detector pulse, the FASTFLIGHT-2 is a superior solution for data acquistion in LC/TOF-MS and GC/TOF-MS applications.

Contact us for more details

Κεντρικά: Σταματίου Ψάλτου 30, 54644 Θεσσαλονίκη, Τηλ.: (+30) 2310-855844, Φαξ: (+30) 2310-886206
Υποκατάστημα: Μομφεράτου 131, 11475 Αθήνα, Τηλ.: (+30) 210-6452848, Φαξ: (+30) 210-6452413, www.megalab.gr, contact@megalab.gr

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