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Accessories and Upgrades


Accessories and Upgrades for the IMI Series

Various accessories and upgrades are available for the IMI series in order to satisfy the requirements of different users and research areas, and to provide the instrument range with enhanced flexibility.

Large Capacity Sample Reactor

This custom-designed reactor offers additional sample capacity of up to 10 cm3, and therefore provides IMI systems with the flexibility to investigate either low density samples, upscaled production methods or materials exhibiting only modest gas uptakes.

Removable Reactor

The removable reactor allows IMI systems to be used in conjunction with existing laboratory inert environment handling facilities. The reactor is designed to be easily detached and transferred into a glovebox, in which air or moisture sensitive samples can be safely loaded or unloaded. It comes complete with an integral heater for sample degassing and temperature control.

Cryocooling System

Liquid nitrogen cryocooling provides accurate control at low temperatures for the standard, large capacity and removable IMI sample reactors. The cryocooling system feeds liquid nitrogen to the reactor while the integrated heater allows the temperature to be regulated and controlled precisely throughout the full operating temperature range.

Supercritical Fluid Compressor

The supercritical fluid (SCF) compressor is an integrated system that delivers high pressure feed gas to an IMI sorption analyzer from a low pressure supply. The system is principally designed to deliver supercritical fluids, such as carbon dioxide or ethane, at pressures above those of standard gas cylinders. Oil-free operation ensures the compressor system delivers high purity gas to the instrument without risk of sample contamination. The SCF compressor is a standard feature of the IMI-NRG.

Detachable Sample Loading Glovebox

The detachable glovebox allows air or moisture sensitive samples to be loaded and unloaded from an IMI system, under an inert atmosphere, in laboratories without dedicated glovebox facilities. It seals onto the reactor flange and is purged with dry inert gas from an external supply.

Expansion Volumes

For further flexibility, IMI systems may be fitted with a number of expansion vessels to enlarge the dosing volume and hence provide different aliquot delivery capabilities. This provides greater flexibility in the development of experimental methodology. Up to four additional vessels can be included, providing up to 16 different dosing volume permutations, each of which may be automatically selected through the IMIwin software.



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Official Website: HIDEN - IMI

Contact us for more details 

Head Office: 30 Stamatiou Psaltou STR, 54644 THESSALONIKI, GREECE, Tel:+30 2310855816, Fax: +30 2310886206
Branch: 131 Momferatou STR, 11475 ATHENS, GREECE, Tel.: (+30) 210-6452848, Fax: (+30) 210-6452413, www.megalab.gr, contact@megalab.gr

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